Economic Development
The Economic Development Committee addresses issues concerning financial planning, money management, consumer education, investments and employment opportunities, and provides programs to assist chapter members and the community to start the journey to financial independence and economic empowerment. Programs include Home Buyers Workshops, Couponing 101, Student Reality Fairs, and Entrepreneurship 101.
Educational Development
The Educational Development Committee implements national and local programs that promote academic excellence and provide financial support to students within the Chapter’s service area. It is through this committee youth and parents have an opportunity to receive information on postsecondary educational opportunities as well as insight on preparing youth to be future leaders. Programs include Reality Fairs, College Fairs, Book Drives, and the following national initiatives
International Awareness & Involvement
The International Awareness and Involvement Committee works to develop and implement projects that broaden the community and members of the chapter knowledge and understanding of nations other than their own, increase interest in international affairs, and aid in developing a greater appreciation for people of different background and cultures; assist in finding solutions to world problems; and to align with other organizations to promote peace and world fellowship. Programs include Operation CARE, World AIDS Day Informational Series, Multiculturalism Webinar, and Human Trafficking Webinar.
Physical & Mental Health
The Physical and Mental Health Committee develops and coordinates health and wellness, provides information and programs on physical health and mental well-being for the membership and the community, hosts events centered around topics associated with mental health disorders as a to continue to dispel the negative stigma related to these challenges. Programs include My Cry in the Dark, Annual Health Fairs, COVID-19 Webinars, and Mask and Water Distributions, and Go Red for Women Forums.
Political Awareness & Involvement
The Political Awareness and Involvement Committee works to increase political involvement and awareness in the community, especially the African American community. Programs include: Friday Night Lights Voter Registration Drives, Political Forums, Expungement Clinics, and the “Trust Your Vote Counts” informational.
Signature Programs
Friday Night Lights Voter Registration Drives
Senior Thanksgiving Luncheon
Seven Serving Seven Community Impact Day
Read Across America
Red Jacket Initiative